A Manunet funded project

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 721267 though ManuNet initiative

AURRENAK is a ground-breaking company in the design and manufacture of tooling for the iron and aluminum casting industry, mainly for the production of molds for powertrain parts such as, cylinder heads, cylinder blocks, gear housing oriented towards an international market, more than 80 % is exported around the world. AURRENAK is a SME with more than 40 years of experience as a toolmaker ,established in 1974 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, , employs 110 workers and its annual turnover amounted to 30 million Euros.

BHGE is a world leader manufacturer of turbomachinery for the Oil&Gas sector where repairing practice is extensively adopted. Hence its participation in the project will be fundamental in defining the retrofit system requirement for the turbomachinery sector.

FIDIA S.p.A., established in Turin since 1974, designs, manufactures and sells Numerical Controls, High Speed Milling Systems and Flexible Manufacturing System for the production of complex parts and shapes mainly for the automotive, aerospace and energy sectors.
The Company is focused on high-quality products and customizable machines.

TECMA is an SME in the field of precision machining, focusing its activities in the implementation of special high precision parts, particularly in the field of laser, optical systems and electronics. Its experience will be crucial in designing and manufacturing the hardware components of the retrofit system.

UNIFI is an Italian University with a strong background in the development of project in the field of manufacturing. It is a leader in the research of Industry 4.0 solution for local companies, with special focus on Additive Manufacturing, Hybrid processing, control of manufacturing processes. It has a robust experience in European and National funded research projects, both as a partners than a leader.
Our Goal
Introducing Additive Manufacturing within a machine tool at low cost and with an easy interface to command it is a demanding objective. RetroFix consortium accepted the challenge and it is now developing a retrofit kit to transform a machine tool is a hybrid manufacturing system
Our Vision
Integrating the traditional milling operations with Additive Manufacturing will exploit new possibilities for manufacturing and repairing of mechanical parts. The vision of RetroFix is to enable hybrid manufacturing also on old machine tools
WAAM based solution will be used to create a productive and easy-to-install solution as a retrofit tool for any machine tool. WAAM is cheaper, faster, safer and more reliable than most of the actual AM technologies available on the market
How it works

Easy to install and to use. This is one of the goals of RetroFix solution that we will achieve with the project. The retrofit kit for a machine tool has a very low target price on the market and must be easily transferable from one machine to another

Fast & Safe
High deposition rate, till 10 kg/h of deposited material, is a target that will provide a higher performance respect to solution available on the market based on metal powder. The choice of WAAM instead of powder-based solution provides a better safety and reliability to the deposition head

Request info
To have more info about the project send us a request

ManuNet funded project
Reference Id: MNET17/ADMA-0066
Project Coordinator:
Gianni Campatelli - University of Firenze

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 721267 though ManuNet initiative